Graduate Studies

Latika & Rajiv Jain Fellowship in Jain Studies at FIU

Candidates are sought for a two-year graduate fellowship to be awarded to a highly qualified and motivated student in Religious Studies with a concentration in Jain Studies. Candidates should have a B.A. (all fields will be considered), an undergraduate GPA higher than 3.5, and meet university requirements for admission. The fellowship will cover tuition, fees a stipend for two academic years and the intervening summer. Study or research in India is possible. It is expected that the holder of this fellowship will pursue an M.A. thesis in Jain studies.

Please address questions to:
Dr. Iqbal Akhtar
Bhagwan Mahavir Professor of Jain Studies
Department of Religious Studies
Florida International University
Miami, FL 33199 (U.S.A.)


For more information about the Master's Degree in Religious Studies please visit https:/religion.fiu.edugraduate/

Current and Past Students

Current Student

Kuldeep Ashok Kumar (expected defense: Spring 2018): “Clairvoyance in Jainism”

Past Students

Shivani Bothra (2013), The Anuvrat Movement: Theory and Practice
Komal Ashok Kumar (2016), The Transformations and Challenges of a Jain Religious Aspirant from Layperson to Ascetic
Anthony Paz (2016), The Tensions of Karma and Ahimsa: Jain Ethics, Capitalism, and Slow Violence
Venu Mehta (2017), "An Ethnographic Study of Sectarian Negotiations among Diaspora Jains in the USA" (Thesis not yet posted)
David St. John (2017), “Non-Ownership Principles as Understood by Lay Practitioners of Jainism and Quakerism" (Thesis not yet posted)